Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Compiled by Carl Wayne Gray

 Cemeteries and Headstones


Ingraham Cemetery, Ingraham, Clay County, Illinois, United States of America

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 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone, Wood, Sarah
Headstone, Wood, Sarah
Located  Latitude: 38.8350419, Longitude: -88.32423460000001  Ingraham Cemetery, Ingraham, Clay County, Illinois
Kirkpatrick, Sarah 'Sally' (d. 24 Oct 1874)
Headstone, Woods, Donald Dean and Thelma Louise
Headstone, Woods, Donald Dean and Thelma Louise
Located  Latitude: 38.8350419, Longitude: -88.32423460000001  Ingraham Cemetery, Ingraham, Clay County, Illinois
Fulk, Thelma Louise (d. 23 Aug 2008)
Headstone, Workman, Luella and Clarence
Headstone, Workman, Luella and Clarence
Located  Latitude: 38.8350419, Longitude: -88.32423460000001  Ingraham Cemetery, Ingraham, Clay County, Illinois
Stanley, Luella (d. 20 Aug 1988)
Workman, Clarence (d. 8 Oct 1983)

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