# |
Source ID |
Title, Author |
14301 |
S2629 | Re: carlwgray.com: Guest Password? Chris Noordhoek |
14302 |
S771 | Re: Ella Mae Simpson Mix Ella Mix, "Re: Ela Mae Simpson Mix," 2 October 2014, personal e-mail (4 October 2014). |
14303 |
S2533 | RE: [PhpGedView Message] Relatives of Orlie Fulk Fulk, Christie |
14304 |
S7032 | Register of Births, Jarvis, Laura B. Calhoun County, West Virginia |
14305 |
S192 | Register of Death, McDowell, Margaret Clay County Courthouse, Louisville, Clay County, Illinois |
14306 |
S45 | Rena Lents-Thomas Rena Lents-Thomas |
14307 |
S14354 | Richland County Marriages, 1840-1915, Brides Book Richland County Genealogical and Historical Society |
14308 |
S14366 | Richland County Marriages, 1840-1915, Brides Book, page #205 Richland County Genealogical and Historical Society |
14309 |
S14392 | Richland County Marriages, 1840-1915, Brides Book, Page #219 Richland County Genealogical and Historical Society |
14310 |
S14419 | Richland County Marriages, 1840-1915, Brides Book, page 1 Richland County Genealogical and Historical Society (Olney, Richland County, Illinois) |
14311 |
S14425 | Richland County Marriages, 1840-1915, Brides Book, page 1 Richland County Genealogical and Historical Society (Olney, Richland County, Illinois) |
14312 |
S14369 | Richland County Marriages, 1840-1915, Brides Book, page 115 Richland County Genealogical and Historical Society (Olney, Richland County, Illinois) |
14313 |
S14355 | Richland County Marriages, 1840-1915, Grooms Book Richland County Genealogical and Historical Society (Olney, Richland County, Illinois) |
14314 |
S14421 | Richland County Marriages, 1840-1915, Grooms Book, Page #1 Richland County Genealogical and Historical Society (Olney, Richland County, Illinois) |
14315 |
S14352 | Richland County Marriages, 1840-1915, Grooms Book, Page #132 Richland County Genealogical and Historical Society (Olney, Richland County, Illinois) |
14316 |
S8795 | Rinnert Family Info Marilyn Rinnert |
14317 |
S1268 | Robbins GED Donna ? |
14318 |
S3118 | Roberta [Maglone] Hill. "Proposed Change: Robert Lambert Maglone (I5783)". personal e-mail Roberta [Maglone] Hill |
14319 |
S14451 | Roberta [Maglone] Hill. "Proposed Change: Robert Lambert Maglone (I5783)". personal e-mail Roberta [Maglone] Hill |
14320 |
S14452 | Roberta [Maglone] Hill. "Proposed Change: Living (I11831)". personal e-mail Roberta [Maglone] Hill |
14321 |
S14450 | Roberta [Maglone] Hill. "RE: Proposed Change: Living (I11838)". personal e-mail Roberta [Maglone] Hill |
14322 |
S2900 | Ron Hodel., e-mail Subject: Wilford Colclasure, 07 March 2007. Ron Hodel |
14323 |
S4114 | Samuel H and Margaret (Hamilton) Snyder (Web-site) Coy D. Taylor |
14324 |
S1710 | Schwenningen Evangelische Kirchenbücher |
14325 |
S1713 | Schwenningen Evangelische Kirchenbücher - Stuttgart Archives Microfilm |
14326 |
S490 | Secondary Proof of Marriage, Sarah E Church and Wiley Henderson |
14327 |
S1835 | Sharon Alfsen "Hi! Sharon Alfsen from years back!", 30 May 2005, personal e-mail (31 May 2005). Sharon Alfsen |
14328 |
S14432 | Sherry Lou Williams, Facebook post, 29 Jul 2013 Facebook.com |
14329 |
S16223 | SMS (Facebook) "Hay there Carl", 31 Sep 2024 Renee Helton |
14330 |
S13315 | Society for American Baseball Research |
14331 |
S14426 | Stacey Egnor "Theo Mitchell Decendancy", 28 May 2005, personal e-mail (29 May 2005). Stacey Egnor |
14332 |
S4949 | Stanford: Stanford Family Records and Allied families including Long, Bissey, Bayler, Hickenbottom, Elliott, and others Ernest D. Elliott and Elsie E. Smith |
14333 |
S16084 | Sterberegister (Death Register), Adler, Ida (1932-2020) |
14334 |
S2162 | Straley, Maglone, Elsie and Gilbert http://www.findagrave.com |
14335 |
S1871 | Subject: Family of Johannes Hasler and Susanna Jossi Richard Legge , , e-mail to Carl W. Gray, September 16, 2002 12:36 pm |
14336 |
S1872 | Subject: Family of Johannes Hasler and Susanna Jossi Richard Legge , , e-mail to Carl W. Gray, September 16, 2002 12:13 pm |
14337 |
S2350 | Subject: Family of Johannes Hasler and Susanna Jossi Richard Legge |
14338 |
S757 | Suggested change: Bricker, Vivian Grace (I680) Ella Mix |
14339 |
S781 | Suggested change: Mix, Jed (I733) Ella Mix |
14340 |
S14389 | Suggested change: Mix, Ronald Leroy 'Ron' + Simpson, Ella Mae (F658) Ella Mix |
14341 |
S14390 | Suggested change: Mix, Travis + Kell, Karla Kay (F677) Ella Mix |
14342 |
S775 | Suggested change: Simpson, Ella Mae (I708) Ella Mix |
14343 |
S14388 | Suggested change: Simpson, Herbert Orville + ?, Lois (F657) Ella Mix |
14344 |
S4180 | Susan Renfro Anderson, "Carl W Gray Genealogies:..." 19 April 2010 7:44PM, personal e-mail Susan Renfro Anderson |
14345 |
S13336 | Tablets of the Missing, Handley, James L. https://www.findagrave.com |
14346 |
S14105 | Tablets of the Missing, Hasler, Max Daniel https://www.findagrave.com |
14347 |
S13420 | Tablets of the Missing, Schussele, Donald L https://www.findagrave.com |
14348 |
S1631 | Ted Cash., e-mail Subject: Drue Bible & Dorothy Goodman, 27 April 1998. Ted Cash |
14349 |
S14347 | Telephone Conversation with Mry Stuckey Mary Stuckey |
14350 |
S1071 | Telephone Conversation, Barbara Maglone & Carl W. Gray, Aug 24, 26, 2006 Barbara Maglone |
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