Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Compiled by Carl Wayne Gray

Ebenezer Cemetery, Olney, Richland County, Illinois



Latitude: 38.6573958, Longitude: -88.0975557


Headstone, Hutchings, Ellis B.
Headstone, Hutchings, Ellis B.
Headstone, Hutchings, Amanda J. and Steven E.
Headstone, Hutchings, Amanda J. and Steven E.

Headstone, Brewer, Judy A. and Carl E.
Headstone, Brewer, Judy A. and Carl E.
Headstone, Bemont, Alda M. and Dennis
Headstone, Bemont, Alda M. and Dennis
Headstone, Bemont, Barbara R. and V. Joe
Headstone, Bemont, Barbara R. and V. Joe
Headstone, Gertsch, John and Marie
Headstone, Gertsch, John and Marie
Headstone, Williams, Nancy Louis Felice (Brewer) and Richard A. 'Rick'
Headstone, Williams, Nancy Louis Felice (Brewer) and Richard A. "Rick"
Headstone, Galloway, Henry and Lucretia
Headstone, Galloway, Henry and Lucretia
Entrance, Ebenezer Cemetery, Olney, Richland County, Illinois
Entrance, Ebenezer Cemetery, Olney, Richland County, Illinois


Matches 1 to 13 of 13

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Bemont, Dennis  I35053
2 BEMONT, Vernie Joe  I35059
3 Brewer, Carl Eugene  I25030
4 BREWER, Nancy Louise  I25028
5 DUMMERMUTH, Marie  I43522
6 FELICE, Richard A. 'Rick'  I25050
7 Galloway, Henry  I2368
8 GERTSCH, John  I43428
9 Hutchings, Ellis Benton  I11748
10 Hutchings, Steven Ellis  I42819
11 Lomas, Alda Myrtle  I35054
12 PADGETT, Lucretia  I45934
13 Whyde, Robert 'Bob'  I56412

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