Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Compiled by Carl Wayne Gray

Floral Garden of Memories Cemetery, Flora, Clay County, Illinois



Latitude: 38.6890802, Longitude: -88.5080615


Clarence Henry Moeller (1918-1997)
Clarence Henry Moeller (1918-1997)

Headstone, Henderson, Arthur M. and Thelma R.
Headstone, Henderson, Arthur M. and Thelma R.
Headstone, Duke, Albert A. and Helen G.
Headstone, Duke, Albert A. and Helen G.
Headstone, Dickey, Waldo M. and Mary Esther
Headstone, Dickey, Waldo M. and Mary Esther
Headstone, Dickey, Clifford N.
Headstone, Dickey, Clifford N.
Headstone, Hosselton, Luther B. and Martha E.
Headstone, Hosselton, Luther B. and Martha E.
Headstone, Hampton, William T. and Cheryl D.
Headstone, Hampton, William T. and Cheryl D.
Headstone, Cook, Aline
Headstone, Cook, Aline
Headstone, Bible, Mark J.
Headstone, Bible, Mark J.
Headstone, Bible, Teresa Tibbs
Headstone, Bible, Teresa Tibbs
Headstone, Pemberton, William L. and Leona M.
Headstone, Pemberton, William L. and Leona M.
Headstone, Pemberton, T. Howard and Mamie M.
Headstone, Pemberton, T. Howard and Mamie M.
Headstone, Behnke, Joseph E. and Pearletta
Headstone, Behnke, Joseph E. and Pearletta
Headstone, Harned, Bill and Faun
Headstone, Harned, Bill and Faun
Headstone, Bute, Robert F. and Wilma
Headstone, Bute, Robert F. and Wilma
Headstone, Dunahee, Hancle and Golda M.
Headstone, Dunahee, Hancle and Golda M.
Headstone, Dunahee, Morris D. and Sylvia
Headstone, Dunahee, Morris D. and Sylvia
Headstone, Davis, Bobby G. and Doris J.
Headstone, Davis, Bobby G. and Doris J.
Headstone, Pourchot, Therman L. and Isabelle
Headstone, Pourchot, Therman L. and Isabelle
Headstone, Dulaney, William E. and Melba H.
Headstone, Dulaney, William E. and Melba H.
Headstone, Toler, George G. and Teresa J.
Headstone, Toler, George G. and Teresa J.
Headstone, Harrell, Catherine M.
Headstone, Harrell, Catherine M.
Headstone, Pearce, Lynn A. and Leora
Headstone, Pearce, Lynn A. and Leora
Headstone, Spitzner, Clarence A. and Mary R.
Headstone, Spitzner, Clarence A. and Mary R.
Headstone, Krutsinger, Wayne and Magdeline
Headstone, Krutsinger, Wayne and Magdeline
Headstone, Brown, William and Elaine
Headstone, Brown, William and Elaine
Headstone, Franklin, Carl Dean
Headstone, Franklin, Carl Dean
Headstone, Osborn, Everett W.
Headstone, Osborn, Everett W.
Headstone, Osborn, Lewis E. and Yvonne J.
Headstone, Osborn, Lewis E. and Yvonne J.
Headstone, Baker, Henry and Ola
Headstone, Baker, Henry and Ola
Headstone, Brooks, Harmon A. and Clora L.
Headstone, Brooks, Harmon A. and Clora L.

Headstone, Erwin, George E. and Ezula
Headstone, Erwin, George E. and Ezula
Headstone, Hanson-Adams, Rochelle
Headstone, Hanson-Adams, Rochelle
Headstone, Shipley, Robert V. and Alice E.
Headstone, Shipley, Robert V. and Alice E.
Headstone, Hosselton, W. Seth and Dorothy
Headstone, Hosselton, W. Seth and Dorothy
Headstone, Davis, Harold and Claribelle
Headstone, Davis, Harold and Claribelle
Headstone, Hosselton, Joe Q.
Headstone, Hosselton, Joe Q.
Headstone, Nail, Sylvia I.
Headstone, Nail, Sylvia I.
Headstone, McCracken, Edward L. and Vickie S.
Headstone, McCracken, Edward L. and Vickie S.
Headstone, McCracken, Vickie
Headstone, McCracken, Vickie

Contributed by Sherry Lou Thomas
Headstone, Nail, James K.
Headstone, Nail, James K.
Headstone, Dickey, Donald W.
Headstone, Dickey, Donald W.
Headstone, Dickey, Geraldine L.
Headstone, Dickey, Geraldine L.
Headstone, Cunningham, Glenn H.
Headstone, Cunningham, Glenn H.
Headstone, Roush, Vernal L (Coble) and George Kenneth
Headstone, Roush, Vernal L (Coble) and George Kenneth
Headstone, Roush, George Kenneth
Headstone, Roush, George Kenneth

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Roush, George Kenneth and Vernal L. (Coble)
Headstone, Roush, George Kenneth and Vernal L. (Coble)

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Hampton, William T. and Cheryl D.
Headstone, Hampton, William T. and Cheryl D.
Headstone, Hampton, William T. and Cheryl D.
Headstone, Hampton, William T. and Cheryl D.

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Abner, Arthur Thomas and Carolyn Sue
Headstone, Abner, Arthur Thomas and Carolyn Sue
Headstone, Erwin, George E.
Headstone, Erwin, George E.

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Hampton, William T. 'Bill'
Headstone, Hampton, William T. 'Bill'

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Knowles, Leonard C and Doris Y
Headstone, Knowles, Leonard C and Doris Y

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Osborn, Everett W.
Headstone, Osborn, Everett W.

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Roush, George Kenneth and Vernal L. (Coble)
Headstone, Roush, George Kenneth and Vernal L. (Coble)

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, White, Delbert and Alyne
Headstone, White, Delbert and Alyne

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, White, Delbert and Alyne
Headstone, White, Delbert and Alyne

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, White, Delbert D.
Headstone, White, Delbert D.

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Bowen, Ezekiel J.
Headstone, Bowen, Ezekiel J.
Headstone, Bowen, William D.
Headstone, Bowen, William D.
Headstone, Brown. William V.
Headstone, Brown. William V.
Headstone, Patterson, Larry D.
Headstone, Patterson, Larry D.
Entrance, Floral Garden of Memories, Flora, Clay County, Illinois
Entrance, Floral Garden of Memories, Flora, Clay County, Illinois

Also known as Flora Garden of Memories, Garden of Memories Cemetery

Headstone, Uebinger, James L.
Headstone, Uebinger, James L.


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Colclasure, Orville Alvernace  20 Jul 2015I13295


Matches 1 to 50 of 110

1 2 3 Next»

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 ?, Helen G.  I23767
2 Abner, Arthur Thomas 'Tom'  I51090
3 Baker, Henry  I34012
4 Bandy, Ryan  I52571
5 Behnke, Joseph E. Jr.  I12612
6 Bible, Herbert Wayne  I43209
7 Bible, Mark Jeffrey  I4210
8 Bonham, Genell June  I52048
9 Bowen, Ezekiel Jackson 'Zeke'  I43238
10 Bowen, Opal Alyne  I42123
11 Bowen, William D.  I43243
12 Brentlinger, Arthur Kenneth  I54841
13 Briscoe, Trenton Neil 'Trent'  I54851
14 Broadway, Yvonne Jenella  I30688
15 BROOKS, Harmon A.  I34456
16 Brown, Willliam V. 'Bill'  I26897
17 Bute, Robert Francis  I18935
18 Carpenter, Howard D. 'Duke'  I55075
19 Carter, Martha E.  3 Oct 2014I31023
20 Carver, Clarence Ray 'C. R.'  I55089
21 Casolari, Caesar J.  I43373
22 Chapman, Sylvia Ida  I39568
23 COBLE, Verdie Alonzo  I34004
24 Coble, Vernal L.  I50633
25 Covey, Donald E.  I55197
26 COX, Mamie Frances  I34005
27 Cunningham, Glenn H.  I2305
28 Davis, Bobby G.  I20344
29 Davis, Harold 'Bill'  I36893
30 Dawkins, Roy H. Jr.  I43569
31 Delzell, Sylvia L.  24 Jan 2012I20442
32 Denton, Catherine Loretta  3 Jun 2022I2215
33 Dickey, Clifford N.  I27700
34 Dickey, Donald W.  I43589
35 Dickey, Waldo M.  I27699
36 Duke, Albert Alan  I23756
37 Dulaney, William Edward 'Bill'  I22496
38 Dunahee, Doris Jean  I20343
39 Dunahee, Hancel E.  19 Jan 1997I20338
40 Dunahee, Morris D.  I20340
41 ERDMAN, Ezula Hope  I34596
42 Erwin, Carolyn Sue  I51091
43 Erwin, Dwight E.  I43655
44 Erwin, George E.  I34595
45 Franklin, Carl Dean  I27920
46 Frost, Harry Eldon 'Bus'  I43722
47 Fugate, Mamie Maria Caroline  I9864
48 Gibbs, Catherine M.  I23739
49 Grogan, Faun  I17208
50 Grogan, Pearletta  19 Apr 2010I12613

1 2 3 Next»

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