Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Compiled by Carl Wayne Gray

Parker Cemetery, Xenia, Clay County, Illinois



Latitude: 38.70847440000001, Longitude: -88.6969001


Headstone, Warren, Timothy and Erzeldia E.
Headstone, Warren, Timothy and Erzeldia E.
Headstone, Warren, Ora and Lance
Headstone, Warren, Ora and Lance
Headstone, Warren, Myrtle
Headstone, Warren, Myrtle
Headstone, Elliott, Geneva Mary (Warren)
Headstone, Elliott, Geneva Mary (Warren)
Headstone, Warren, Artdean H. Sr.
Headstone, Warren, Artdean H. Sr.
Headstone, Martin, James A. and Lucretia G.
Headstone, Martin, James A. and Lucretia G.
Headstone, Keller, Mary and Clem
Headstone, Keller, Mary and Clem
Entrance, Parker Cemetery, Xenia, Clay County, Illinois
Entrance, Parker Cemetery, Xenia, Clay County, Illinois
Headstone, Hostetler, Amos
Headstone, Hostetler, Amos


Matches 1 to 15 of 15

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Ford, Tina Marie  I8839
2 Hostetler, Amos  I55598
3 KELLER, Clermont Green 'Clem'  I40371
4 Martin, James Alex  I40186
5 Sills, Ora  I36342
6 STEVENS, Mary Alice  I40370
7 Tackett, Erzeldia Elizabeth  I32446
8 Waggoner, Bryan Lyman  I44822
9 Warren, Artdean H. Sr.  I36344
10 Warren, Geneva Mary  I36343
11 Warren, Lance Millard Henry  I36331
12 Warren, Lucretia Gladys  I36465
13 Warren, Myrtle  I36325
14 Warren, Timothy Titus 'Tim'  I32445
15 Wilcoxen, Elijah  I55783

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