Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Compiled by Carl Wayne Gray

Patoka, Gibson County, Indiana

Patoka, Gibson County, Indiana



Latitude: 38.4069908, Longitude: -87.5855787


Hugh Wilson, Mary Ellen Wilson, Zelphia Wilson Crow, Elva Redfairn, Sam Crow, Louise Crow, Mae Wilson, Elden Redfairn
Hugh Wilson, Mary Ellen Wilson, Zelphia Wilson Crow, Elva Redfairn, Sam Crow, Louise Crow, Mae Wilson, Elden Redfairn

Photo taken at Barnlot Homeplace, Patoka, Indiana.

Contributed by Joseph Eugene 'Joe' Wilson (1929-2013)

Mary Ellen Maglone and family
Mary Ellen Maglone and family

Photo taken in Patoka, Indiana.

Contributed by Joseph Eugene 'Joe' Wilson (1929-2013)

John Bernard and Mary Lee (Meek) Wilson
John Bernard and Mary Lee (Meek) Wilson

Date Taken: 1947
Place Taken: Patoka, Indiana

"John B. Wilson was the son of Mary Ellen (Maglone) Wilson and Jefferson T. Wilson. He was born on June 27th 1890 and died on January 26th 1963. He was the father of Hazel Wilson Stunkel by first wife Opel Robb and the father of Joe Wilson. Mary Lee Meek Wilson was his second wife. Mary Lee was…


Matches 1 to 13 of 13

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Alvis, F.C.  I9523
2 Holcomb, Bobby Gene 'Bob'  8 Aug 1931I20159
3 RedFairn, Elden Arthur 'Tex'  10 Jul 1912I10494
4 RedFairn, Elva Mae  10 Jul 1912I10496
5 RedFairn, Lena Violet  4 Jan 1909I10498
6 Tucker, Charles William  12 Feb 1923I37553
7 WILSON, Elsie Mae  21 Feb 1896I9510
8 Wilson, Hazel Francis  15 Oct 1911I9515
9 Wilson, Hugh Anderson  25 Mar 1899I9511
10 Wilson, John Bernard  27 Jun 1890I5764
11 Wilson, Margaret Gertrude  10 Feb 1887I9506
12 Wilson, Mary Zilphia  29 Jan 1881I9500
13 WILSON, Minnie O'Neal  12 Feb 1893I9509


Matches 1 to 9 of 9

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Abell, Donald C.  13 Mar 2014I11809
2 Clark, Isabel  22 Oct 1907I1520
3 RedFairn, David Erwin  28 Nov 1913I9507
4 RedFairn, Lena Violet  24 Jul 1911I10498
5 Stermer, Eva C.  1957I9491
6 Wilson, Jefferson Tuttle  18 Jul 1925I5763
7 Wilson, John Bernard  26 Jan 1963I5764
8 Wilson, Luvina Maude  22 May 1891I9505
9 WILSON, Minnie O'Neal  9 Aug 1900I9509

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