Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies


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United States of America Flag, 50 Stars (1960 - Present)

This is the current flag of the United States. This flag became the official United States flag in 1960 when a star was added for the State of Hawaii. It replaced the short-lived 49-star flag (July 4, 1959 - July 3, 1960) honoring the State of Alaska. An Executive Order by President Eisenhower provided for the arrangement of the stars in nine staggered horizontal rows.



File name50star.gif
File Size1.54k
Dimensions216 x 122
Linked toMitchell, Lawrence Wayne 'Wad' (Military Service); Mix, J.G. (Military Service); Mix, J.G. (Military Service); Mix, Ronald Leroy 'Ron' (Military Service); Moseley, Jacob B. 'Jake' (Military Service); Moseley, R.D.R. (Military Service); Nease, Joe Burton (Military Service); Nickells, Thomas 'Tom' 'T. J.' (Military Service); Noll, Lorain Tom (Military Service); Novak, Timothy L. 'Tim' (Military Service); Ogibovic, Richard Stephen (Military Service); Orel, Jerry Wayne (Military Service); Painter, I.G. (Military Service); Pate, Billy Dale (Military Service); Pate, James Archie 'Sonny' (Military Service); Patridge, D.D. (Military Service); Patridge, James Wayne (Military Service); Patterson, Vern (Military Service); Pearcy, Ralph Dean (Military Service); Pflaum, Myron Edmund 'Ed' (Military Service); Phillips, Darrel Wayne (Military Service); Poppe, G.W. (Military Service); Powell, Daniel Joseph (Military Service); Prater, R. (Military Service); Pulver, R.D. (Military Service); Ragan, M. (Military Service); Rapp, Daniel H. (Military Service); Richardson, Gene (Military Service); Richardson, Harold Lewis Sr. (Military Service); Ridgley, Kenneth 'Levi' (Military Service); Rinehart, Norman Michael 'Mike' (Military Service); Rinehart, Norman Michael 'Mike' (Military Service); Ryker, D.M. (Military Service); Ryker, Derwin Lee (Military Service); Scallions, James Edward (Military Service); Schnautz, Mark Steven (Military Service); Schnepper, G. (Military Service); Schnepper, William A. 'Corky' (Military Service); Schofield, Darrell W. (Military Service); Schofield, Jerry Allen (Military Service); Schofield, William Hancie 'Bill' (Military Service); Schwartz, Richard N. Jr. (Military Service); Schwartz, Richard N. 'Rick' (Military Service); Seaney, Donald Larue 'Don' (Military Service); Shaffer, Teddy Lowell 'Ted' Sr. (Military Service); Shaffer, Victor Steven (Military Service); Sharp, D. (Military Service); Sharp, Kenneth Roy 'Buster' (Military Service); Sharp, Ray Dean (Military Service); Shipman, Delbert Wayne (Military Service) ['More Links']

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