Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Compiled by Carl Wayne Gray

Krutsinger, B.E.

Krutsinger, B.E.


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Brad, Janie and kids, Nancy and Paul Krutsinger

Gray Family Reunion, Charley Brown Park, Flora, Illinois, Labor Day, 2001

Contributed by Leona Mae McDowell

File nameBrad, Janie and kids Nancy and Paul Krutsinger.jpg
File Size102.2k
Dimensions393 x 268
Linked toCharley Brown Park, Flora, Clay County, Illinois; Carpenter, J. (Name); Krutsinger, B.E. (Name); Krutsinger, D.L. (Name); Krutsinger, D.B.R. (Name); Krutsinger, P.D. (Name); McDowell, N.M. (Name)

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