Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Compiled by Carl Wayne Gray


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1940 Census, Sailor Springs Village, Illinois, page 04a

1940 United States Federal Census, Sailor Springs Village, Illinois, (District 13-17) (Pixley Township), image 08, page 04a

File name1940 United States Federal Census, Sailor Springs Village, Illinois, (District 13-17) (Pixley Township), image 08, page 4a.jpg
File Size2.82m
Dimensions7240 x 5388
Linked toSailor Springs, Clay County, Illinois; ?, America E. (738847); ?, Carrie M. (738845); ?, Florence (738855); ?, Hettie (738862); ?, Laura A. (738839); ?, Marguett (738863); ?, Minnie (738835); ?, Rosella (738840); ?, Sarah B. (738853); DREWELL, John (738836); Empson, Martha E. 'Mattie' (Census); ERWIN, Edward (598682); Fitzgerald, Edna A. (790743); Fitzgerald, Wademan F. (738848); GUMBEL, Lex P. (738841); HALL, Rosie (738861); LEVITT, Douglas (738843); LEVITT, Nany A. (738842); Maglone, Marian Lucille (790745); Maglone, Marvin Laval (790746); Maglone, William Lloyd 'Bill' (790739); Maglone, William Thomas 'Tom' (790738); NOLL, Albert J. (738844); Prosser, Billie 'Bid' (790744); Pugh, Jacob Ulysses Grant 'Jake' (790742); Smith, Reason L. (738869); Stanford, Emma Emily (738846); Welch, Bertha Arvella (790747); Welch, David Eddie (Census); WHITE, E. (738849); WHITE, Roscoe (738851); WHITE, Sarah (738852); WHITE, Soloman A. (738854); WHITE, Theodore (738850); WHITE, Wallace (738837); WILLIAMS, Turner (738838)

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