Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Compiled by Carl Wayne Gray


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Headstone, Haws, Ruby

Status: Not yet located

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Linked toMount Pleasant Cemetery, Claremont, Richland County, Illinois; HARMON, Ruby Jean (Burial)

Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Claremont, Richland County, Illinois, United States of America

Cemetery Photos

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1 Entrance, Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Claremont, Richland County, Illinois

According to legend "An old church stands at the front of the cemetery. This church is said to be haunted. When the front door is knocked on sounds are heard within the church, sometimes choirs, footsteps and strange lights. On some nights funeral sessions are seen at the church. Although no funerals have taken place there since the 50’s.”

2 Headstone, Anders, Lula Edith
3 Headstone, Bellinger, Jacob
4 Headstone, Bellinger, Laura L. and John W.
5 Headstone, Bellinger, Mary Ellen Harmon
6 Headstone, Byrd, Stella, Vern, and Sidney
7 Headstone, Chaplin, Clyde E.
8 Headstone, Chaplin, Mary E. and Cirtus F.

9 Headstone, Clevy, Anna E. and William H.
10 Headstone, Clevy, Infant
s/o Wm. & Anna 
11 Headstone, Clevy, Marguarette Leona
12 Headstone, Clevy, Mattie
13 Headstone, Clevy, Samuel Joseph
14 Headstone, Crites, Alice M.
15 Headstone, Crites, Hettie and Levi A.
16 Headstone, Crites, Verna V.
NOTE: The inscription is "Uerna U. Crites" 
17 Headstone, Fulk, Catherine
18 Headstone, Fulk, Curtis
19 Headstone, Fulk, Ernest
20 Headstone, Fulk, George W.
21 Headstone, Fulk, Jacob H and Mary E
22 Headstone, Fulk, Oscar
23 Headstone, Fulk, Rachel
24 Headstone, Fulk, Roy
25 Headstone, Fulk, Sarah
26 Headstone, Fulk, Sarah C.
27 Headstone, Fulk, Sarah Jane
28 Headstone, Gardner, Floyd
29 Headstone, Gardner, Lela A. and Walter S.
30 Headstone, Gardner, Lizzie
31 Headstone, Gardner, Mary E. and Elisha
32 Headstone, Gardner, Mary Jane
33 Headstone, Groff, Allen Napolean "Pola"
34 Headstone, Groff, Fannie E.
35 Headstone, Groff, Mary
36 Headstone, Groff, W. C.
37 Headstone, Grubb, Jacob
38 Headstone, Grubb, Mary A. and John
39 Headstone, H., Henry
40 Headstone, Harmon, Ada Lou and Charles A.
41 Headstone, Harmon, Andrew
42 Headstone, Harmon, David Dale
43 Headstone, Harmon, Della and Charley
44 Headstone, Harmon, E. Ray and Louise
45 Headstone, Harmon, Earl
46 Headstone, Harmon, Elsie Pauline
47 Headstone, Harmon, Fannie
48 Headstone, Harmon, Harmon, Pearl Robert Donald "Bob"
49 Headstone, Harmon, Henry H.
50 Headstone, Harmon, Infant
51 Headstone, Harmon, Infant
52 Headstone, Harmon, Infant Son
53 Headstone, Harmon, Jesse
54 Headstone, Harmon, Johnie
55 Headstone, Harmon, Julie
56 Headstone, Harmon, Lovetta M.
57 Headstone, Harmon, Mary (Bennett) and William Henry
58 Headstone, Harmon, Nellie Ethel
59 Headstone, Harmon, Pearl "Shorty"
60 Headstone, Harmon, Robert Lee and Olive
61 Headstone, Harmon, Rosemary, Pauline M., and Dale R.
62 Headstone, Harmon, Violet Ellen
63 Headstone, Haws, Ruby
64 Headstone, Irvin, Joseph Benjamin
65 Headstone, Irvin, Tempa Edith
66 Headstone, Jones, Glen S. and Fannie Ellen
67 Headstone, Marshall, Joe P.
68 Headstone, Marshall, Minnie E.
69 Headstone, Morgan, Della and Jess M.

70 Headstone, Murphy, Artie Clarence
71 Headstone, Murphy, Charlotte
72 Headstone, Provine, William and Caroline M.
73 Headstone, Shockey, Eddie Roscoe
74 Headstone, Shockey, Henry
75 Headstone, Shockey, Jane and Jobe
76 Headstone, Shockey, Rose Etta
77 Headstone, Shockey, William A.
78 Headstone, Stockwell, George W.
79 Headstone, Stockwell, Margaret
80 Headstone, Stockwell, Martha J.

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