Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Bryan, Leland H.

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Corporal, United States Army and United States Army Air Forces
(Sep 1942-Aug 1948)
File name | 1024px-US_Army_WWII_CPL.svg.jpg |
File Size | 333.32k |
Dimensions | 2048 x 2378 |
Linked to | Adams, Neal W. (Military Service); Akes, E.L. (Military Service); Akins, Robert E. (Military Service); Anderson, Gordon Vivian (Military Service); Barnes, Leland L. (Military Service); Barnes, V.L. (Military Service); Bay, L.T. (Military Service); Bayler, Howard Carroll (Military Service); Blair, J.D. (Military Service); Boyd, William Jean (Military Service); Brashear, Lawrence Clark (Military Service); Bricker, Roy Edward (Military Service); Britton, Marion E. (Military Service); Broadwater, Ray B. (Military Service); Brown, J.H. Jr. (Military Service); Bryan, C.H. (Military Service); Bryan, Lee Gayle (Military Service); Bryan, Leland H. (Military Service); Budde, Rufus W. (Military Service); Bunnell, George H. (Military Service); Burt, Marcus F. (Military Service); Burton, Allen Edwin (Military Service); Byars, R.E. (Military Service); Byers, Franklin Crawford (Military Service); Cochran, Earl Edward (Military Service); Coggin, Chester O. (Military Service); Conner, Alvin E. (Military Service); Cooper, F.H. (Military Service); Cope, Frank C. (Military Service); Crackel, Lawrence Edwin (Military Service); Croughan, R.E. (Military Service); Cruse, Roscoe Carl (Military Service); Daubs, John L. (Military Service); Dawkins, Roy H. Jr. (Military Service); Decker, Robert Marvin 'Bob' (Military Service); Denning, W.E. (Military Service); Devore, C. Jr. (Military Service); Doris, William E. (Military Service); Duke, Henry A. (Military Service); Dunnigan, T.M. (Military Service); Elledge, Arlie K. (Military Service); Fancher, R.E. (Military Service); Fatheree, Billie E. (Military Service); Felper, David (Military Service); Frank, Samuel W. 'Sam' Jr. (Military Service); Gardner, Galen Vincent (Military Service); Gumble, Adelbert R. 'Delbert' (Military Service); Gumble, Donald Victor (Military Service); Hadley, Eva H. (Military Service); Hall, J.D. (Military Service) ['More Links'] |
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