Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Compiled by Carl Wayne Gray

Luke, Nella Grace

Luke, Nella Grace

Female 1909 - 1998  (88 years)


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McDowell Clan

Photo taken after funeral of Nella Mason (1880-1976)

Front Row left to right: Grace McDowell, Dorothy Bricker, Leona McDowell Schofield, Nellie Dilley, Hazel Clark

Middle Row left to right: Barb House, Betty Lemons, Linda Lomas, Glenn McDowell

Back Row left to right: Ron McDowell, Adrian McDowell

Contributed by Barbara Louise 'Barb' (McDowell) House (1935-2020)

File nameSCAN0278 (2).JPG
File Size1.62m
Dimensions3593 x 2337
Linked toClay City, Clay County, Illinois; Luke, Nella Grace (Name); McDowell, Adrian Eugene (Name); McDowell, Barbara Louise 'Barb' (Name); McDowell, Betty Marie (Name); McDowell, Dorothy Lois 'Dot' (Name); McDowell, Glenn William (Name); McDowell, Hazel Bernice 'Habe' (Name); McDowell, L.M. (Name); McDowell, Linda Kay (Name); McDowell, N.L.N. (Name); McDowell, R.R.R. (Name)

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